Kick Off Spring with Car Body Repair
Did the winter do a number on your vehicle? It may be time for car body repair. Peruzzi Collision Center has three reasons to schedule your appointment.
What Factors Go into Car Repair Estimates?
How do car repair estimates get calculated? Peruzzi Collision Center goes over the factors that influence costs. Schedule your repair with us today!
Why Ignoring a Car Dent Can Cost You in the Long Run
A small car dent isn’t a big deal, right? Right now, maybe not, but it will become one. Peruzzi Collision Center has three reasons to take care of it quickly.
3 Benefits of Upholstery Repair
Why should you think about getting upholstery repair for your vehicle? Peruzzi Collision Center has three reasons to keep it in tip-top condition.
What Happens If You Fail a Car Inspection?
What happens if you fail a car inspection is a question many drivers eventually have to ask. Peruzzi Collision Center goes over the three steps to take.
3 Tips for Driving Safely This Winter
It is always important to drive safety, especially in the winter. Peruzzi Collision Center has three tips that can help you avoid auto repair this holiday.
3 Myths About Collision Repair Dispelled
There are many myths about collision repairs that can be costly for car owners. Here Peruzzi Collision Center looks at three common ones you shouldn’t believe.
Collision Repair 101: What Should I Do Following an Accident?Would you know what to do if you got into a car accident? Collision repair is important, but that’s a later step. Peruzzi Collision Center offers these tips.
Why Is Windshield Repair Important?
When there’s an issue with your windshield, you shouldn’t wait to get a fix. Peruzzi Collision Center has three reasons not to delay a windshield repair.
Should You Use Touch-Up Paint on Your Car?
Touch-up paint is a quick fix for small dings, but has its drawbacks. Learn the benefits of professional paint repair at Peruzzi Collision Center.
How to Get a Dent Out of Your Car
Car dents can be unsightly and expensive to fix. Peruzzi Collision Center goes over how to handle dents of all sizes for your vehicle in Fairless Hills, PA.
Why is Wheel Alignment Important?
Having proper wheel alignment makes a big difference. Here are a few reasons why you should get a bad alignment fixed as soon as you can.
What to Do if Your Car Overheats?
Having your car suddenly overheat can be quite frightening. Here’s what you should do and when you should get to our car repair facility.
How Long Can I Put Off Repairs For?
It’s not usually a good idea to put off an appointment with our technicians when you’re in need of collision repair. Here are 3 reasons why not to delay.
The Ultimate Guide on How to Apply Touch-Up Car Paint
8 Winter Driving Statistics Every Driver Needs to Know
What is Gold Class Certification and Why is it Important?
3 Emergency Supplies to Keep in Your Vehicle
3 DIY Dent Repair Myths All Drivers Should Know
4 Common Causes of Windshield Damage
5 Reasons Why Collisions Occur at Intersections
5 Causes of Dents in Vehicles
3 Steps to Disinfect Your Car5 Winter Driving Statistics Every Driver Needs to Know
Driving during the winter can be dangerous. From blinding blizzards to hidden black ice, wintery weather conditions can make it much more difficult to stay safe on the road. Before you hit the road this winter, check out these five surprising statistics, courtesy of our Bensalem, PA, collision repair experts.
5 Tips for Holiday Travel with Kids
Are you planning a holiday road trip with your family this winter? If you’ve ever made a long journey with your little ones in tow, you know firsthand just how stressful traveling with kids can be. Stay safe on the roads this holiday with these essential tips for traveling with children.
4 Important Tips for Maintaining Your Car's Bodywork
Regular upkeep of a vehicle’s body is often overlooked, but it’s an essential step to any maintenance routine. Neglecting the outer body of your car can lead to long term damage that can become difficult and costly to repair. Following these simple steps can save you a lot of grief and money in the long run:
3 Common On-The-Road Distractions to Avoid at All Costs
Distracted driving is a major issue on the roadways of the United States. According to data from the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, more than 3,000 lose their lives each year as a result of distracted driving.
5 Car Safety Lessons Kids Need To Know
Kids today spend plenty of time traveling in cars and trucks throughout their childhood, but many children don’t fully understand just how dangerous a car can be. If you have a little one, make sure you teach him or her these five crucial car safety lessons.
Why Does the Road Look Wet When It’s Hot Out?
If you’ve ever driven in the blazing Pennsylvania summer sun, you may have noticed a unique phenomenon—a seemingly “wet” patch of road that disappears as you drive closer to it. You might have even slowed down or prepared yourself for hydroplaning if the illusion was particularly strong. Obviously, the road isn’t actually wet—but what causes us to see the road this way on days when it’s hot out?
What to Do if Your Car Runs Out of Gas
Picture this: you’re driving home from work or school when your vehicle suddenly starts sputtering. After a few quick jerks, pressing on the gas pedal does nothing. It’s only then when you look at your dashboard and notice that bright red gas icon flashing and the needle firmly on the “E” section of your gas meter. You’ve run out of gas and now you’re stranded.
4 Tips to Help Teen Drivers Avoid Distraction
Data suggests that teen drivers are at a significant disadvantage while behind the wheel. According to (an online advocacy group committed to studying and fighting against common teen issues), 16-year-old drivers have higher automobile crash rates than any other age group on the road.
7 Essential Emergency Supplies for Your Winter Driving Kit
Driving during the winter season can be dangerous, especially if you must drive after a snow shower, blizzard, or sleet. You should always keep an emergency preparedness kit in your vehicle in case you slide off the road, become stranded, or are involved in a collision.
5 Tips for Making Solo Winter Road Trips
Traveling during the winter can be especially dangerous for solo travelers. Before you hop on the road, use these five winter safety tips for those traveling alone to arrive at your destination safely.
4 Safety Tips for a Better Tailgating Party
Peruzzi Collision Center is here to wish Pennsylvanians a fantastic football season full of fun, friends, and of course, delicious tailgating parties! No matter which team you’re rooting on to the Super Bowl, take these tips from our auto body repair shop near Bensalem, PA to enjoy a safer season of tailgating!
The 4 Most Common Collision Injuries
Vehicles aren’t the only thing that may be in need of collision repair in Levittown, PA following an accident—your body may need a little TLC as well. If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident, make sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor’s office as soon as possible, and have him or her check for these four common injuries resulting from collisions.
The Lowball Loss Adjusters: Why Drivers Lose with Photo Insurance Estimates
Picture this: you’ve recently been involved in an accident, and your insurance company tells you that receiving an estimate for your repair is as simple as snapping a photo on your smartphone. It sounds like a perfectly simple solution that combines technology and expert innovation. Unfortunately, as many drivers across the country have already discovered, this convenience may be too good to be true.
Why Women Pay Less For Car Insurance: 3 Statistics That May Surprise You
Stereotypes may say that women are worse drivers than men, but driving statistics tell a very different story. Women tend to see lower car insurance rates because they tend to engage in fewer impulsive behaviors while driving. If Samantha has a lower car insurance rate than Samuel, it’s because the insurance company is accounting for these three statistics:
Why You Should Trust Your Auto Body Repair Only to Certified Collision Repair Providers
If you’ve recently been involved in an accident and need collision or dent repair in Levittown PA, the chances are that you are under a significant amount of stress. You may be worrying about how you’ll get to work or school while your car is in the shop, and you may even be afraid that you won’t be able to afford the repairs that you need. One thing you should never have to worry about is whether your auto body repair shop in Levittown PA can handle the damage.
3 Ways Peruzzi Collision Center Puts Their Customers First
When it comes to seeking collision repair in Bensalem, PA, the team at Peruzzi Collision Center know that you have options, but you only want the best for your vehicle and your family. Peruzzi Collision Center is constantly thinking about how they can improve your experience as a customer, and how they can better serve their community by giving back to the men and women who keep Pennsylvania running.
What is Gold Class Certification and Why is it Important?
Is your auto body repair shop in Levittown, PA Gold Class certified? If you're not going to Peruzzi Collision Center, the chances are that you're paying for lower quality service.
3 Spring Tips for Avoiding Motorcycle Collisions
As the spring season approaches and drivers get ready to roll down the windows and cruise, a new danger on the road needs to be observed: motorcyclists. According to research from the National Safety Council, the period of April through September accounts for 73% of motorcycle accidents, many of which involve a motorcycle and a car.
4 Ways to Help Teen Drivers Avoid Collisions
Now that 2018 has officially arrived, you might have a teen in your home who is anxiously counting down the days until his or her 16th birthday or the date when they are eligible to take the test for their license. Learning to drive or getting your license can be a thrilling time in a teen's life, but it's important for parents to take steps to help their novice drivers prevent an accident.
5 Things You Absolutely Must Have in Your Vehicle’s Emergency Kit
Now that winter snowstorms are right around the corner, it's about to get a whole lot more dangerous to drive on the roadways of Pennsylvania. Freezing rain can obscure your vision, while nefarious black ice patches can cause drivers to slip and slide off the road and cause you to need collision repair in Levittown, PA. Part of staying smart this winter is knowing what to do in the event of an emergency.
4 Fast Tips to Help Avoid an Accident During Holiday Travel
Thanksgiving is right around the corner! If you're like most Americans, you'll be spending at least a few hours driving to visit distant friends and family members. Don't let your holiday end with a visit to your local auto body repair shop in Bensalem, PA. Take these four fast and simple tips to help you have safe and happy drive this Thanksgiving.
3 Ways Winter Can Play a Part in a Collision
With winter right around the corner, driving conditions in the Philadelphia area may soon get a lot worse. Although the Farmers’ Almanac is projecting that Pennsylvania will see more than snow due to another mild winter for the second year in a row, the road conditions in Southeastern Pennsylvania can still be difficult.
Looking Ahead: Be Aware of Black Ice
Now that it’s fall and the temperatures will begin to dip in the upcoming weeks, it is important to get ready for the change in seasons. If you've ever suddenly slid on the road, you've probably had an experience with black ice. Black ice is a thin layer of highly transparent ice that blends in with the color of the pavement on the road, making it especially dangerous.
How the Summer Heat May Cause Damage to Your Car
Most drivers know that under no circumstances should children or pets be left alone in a hot car. But did you know that the heat can cause other damage to your vehicle, some of which may remain unseen? In addition to damage from the sun, the heat can also cause dehydration, which makes accidents and collisions more likely.
Know Your Rights Following an Auto Accident
Getting into a car accident can be a very stressful situation. None of us expect it to happen, but following an accident, you may feel confused, stressed or even a little scared about what happens next. While accidents can be difficult to process, what’s most important is understanding your rights when it comes to insurance.
The Most Common Causes of Automotive Upholstery Damage
Most people are very concerned with how the outside of their car looks to pedestrians passing by, but what are your passengers thinking about the inside of your car? Automotive upholstery, both leather and fabric, has a tendency to get damaged from both trauma and everyday use.
What Causes the Differences in Repair Estimates?
If you’ve taken your vehicle to get three different estimates from three different repair shops, the numbers you’re given can vary so wildly that you are probably asking yourself, “How do these shops come up with these numbers?”
What Makes Color Matching So Complicated
If you need to go to an auto body repair shop in the Bensalem, PA, area, come to Peruzzi Collision Center. Our refinishing department has experienced, qualified technicians who excel at successfully finding a color to match your car, as complex a process as it is.
5 Reasons Why Drivers Need Tire Repair
It’s important to check tire pressure because if it’s low, that can create an uneven wear and tread. Low-pressure tires also burn more gas. Tires should also be rotated every six months or 5,000 miles to help the tread wear evenly. It also helps with gas mileage.
Dent Repair without Putting a Dent in Your Wallet
What It Means to Be a Direct Repair Facility
Following a car accident, you have to worry about a number of things such as injuries, damage to your vehicle, the condition of others and their vehicles, dealing with insurance companies and paying any repair or medical bills.
Need Repairs After an Accident? Here’s What You Should Do.
Regardless of how safe you are behind the wheel, chances are you’ll get into a car accident at some point in your life. If you’re lucky enough to avoid winding up with a totaled car, the process of getting the repairs you need can often be difficult for a number of reasons.
Tips for Staying Safe on the Road This Winter
Here at Peruzzi Collision Center , we’ve seen accidents happen for a number of reasons; in fact, they can sometimes seem downright unpredictable. However, from late November through early March, the element of unpredictability goes out the window because of the weather. That’s right: Most car accidents during these months can be directly attributed to hazardous road conditions and inattentive driving.
It’s Inspection Season -- Will Your Car Pass?
With the new year comes the need for a new inspection sticker. Is your car up to spec? You might be surprised, but there is a chance that it is not.
Unlike New Jersey, which requires vehicles only pass an emissions inspection, Pennsylvania requires all registered vehicles to pass not only an emissions inspection, but also a safety inspection as well.
3 Reasons Why There Are More Car Accidents During the Summer Season
Do you ever feel like you see more fender benders once the kids have gotten out of school for the summer? It’s not just your imagination! According to data uncovered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the summer months are some of the most dangerous times of the year to be on the road, with more automobile accidents and vehicular fatalities occurring than any other season.